Southwest Florida Traffic Net

NTS Logo Net Statistics (March 2024)
QNI 562 (Total Check-Ins)
QTC 165 (Total Messages)
QND 878 (Total Minutes)
Total Sessions 26

Welcome to the home of the Southwest Florida Traffic Net. The SWFTN is the local affiliate of and is sponsored by the American Radio Relay League’s National Traffic System. The primary function of the SWFTN is to handle formal Radiogram message traffic as part of the NTS. We encourage you to visit the NTS website for training materials and other resources.

The SWFTN meets daily except Sunday at 10:00am ET on the 145.170(-) repeater, PL tone 136.5. We encourage everyone, with or without traffic, to check in. If you need assistance or have questions about anything we do on the SWFTN, or if you have any interest in becoming a member of the SWFTN staff, please contact the Net Manager.

Dave Sheppard  W2PAX
Net Manager


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