Weekly Nets

NetFrequencyPLDayTime (Local)
Southwest Florida Traffic Net145.170 (-)136.5Monday - Saturday1000
Pharmaceutical Net 146.820 (-)136.5Monday thru Sunday0900
Loggerhead Net146.790 (-)136.5Sunday1930
Windmill Net28.475 USB-----Sunday2100
Catholic Charities Net146.685 (-)136.5Second Monday of the month1100
FMARC Club NetLinked Repeater System; EchoLink via KR4PI-R & W2PAX-R; Allstar Nodes: 433.300 & 443.800.136.5Monday1900
Newbie NetLinked Repeater System; EchoLink via KR4PI-R & W2PAX-R; Allstar Nodes: 433.300 & 443.800136.5MondayFollowing Club And Traders Net
ARES/ALERT Net145.170 (-)136.5Wednesday1900
Buck And A Quarter Net224.520 (-)
+ Linked Repeaters
Yaesu Fusion Net (DN)444.675 (+) Primary /
444.750 (+) Linked /
145.170 (-)
Fusion Room 21805
136.5 /
136.5 /
DMR NetDMR Talkgroup 311261-----2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month1900
D-STAR Net443.450 (+) Reflector W4LCO-B-----1st and 3rd Thursday of the month1900
LDS Net146.820 (-)136.5Thursday1930
Cape Coral Gabfest146.490 (simplex)-----Thursday2000
Digital Practice Net
(Fldigi and SSTV)
146.820 (-)136.5Thursday2000
Linked Repeater System
(When in use)
Linked Repeater System
147.225 in Cape Coral
147.285 in Bonita Springs
147.345 in Lehigh Acres
224.520 in Fort Myers