Hamfest PayPal Checkout

The “ADD TO CART” button below the item will place the item in your shopping cart.  You can then choose the quantity.  If you wish to add another item, simply click the “Continue Shopping” link at the upper right of the PayPal Shopping Cart page and you will return here.  You can then choose another item .  Again make sure you adjust the quantity.  When you are satisfied, click the “Pay With PayPal” link button on the Right Side of the Shopping Cart and you will be taken to the PayPal page.


Hamfest Admission Tickets at $10 Each Donation.  Make sure you choose the correct quantity.  Drop your ticket stub into the barrel and be eligible for hourly door prizes.


Raffle Tickets at $1 Each Donation. Make sure you choose the correct quantity.  Drop your ticket stub into the barrel and be eligible for the Grand Prizes.  


Inside Vendor Table at $20 Each Donation. All Tailgate and Indoor Vendors Must Purchase a General Admission Ticket for Each Person in Their Party. Make sure you choose the correct quantity.


5 or More Inside Vendor Tables at $15 Each Donation. All Tailgate and Indoor Vendors Must Purchase a General Admission Ticket for Each Person in Their Party. Make sure you choose the correct quantity.


Outdoor Tailgate Each Space at $10 Each Donation.  All Tailgate and Indoor Vendors Must Purchase a General Admission Ticket for Each Person in Their Party. Make sure you choose the correct quantity.