Ham Radio Licensing

All activity on the amateur radio bands is regulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).  Transmitting (sending out a signal) from an amateur radio station requires a license from the FCC and they currently provide for three classes of license: 

1. Technician – entry level
2. General 
3. Amateur Extra – capstone

Each class of license requires passing a written examination of increasing difficulty and they are cumulative (i.e. to obtain the Amateur Extra license you must pass all three exam levels, though not at one sitting).  Of course, additional operating privileges come with each higher class (such as more bands for operation).  There is no longer any requirement to know, or demonstrate, proficiency in Morse Code.

Monthly License Exam Sessions in Fort Myers

The Fort Myers Amateur Radio Club (FMARC) offers the FCC License Exams for all three license classes every month plus an extra session at our yearly Hamfest.  The exams are conducted by a local team of Volunteer Examiners (VEs) who are certified by the Laurel VEC.  Both the FMARC and the Laurel VEC subsidize the exams and certification process so there is no charge for the exam sessions offered in Lee County by FMARC.

The FCC Registration Number

Anyone conducting any business with the FCC must obtain an FCC Registration Number (FRN) as the first step.  That includes anyone sitting for a license exam.  Obtaining an FRN is a relatively easy process that takes about ten minutes.  The FCC does not charge a fee for getting the FRN.  The process does require an email account.

There are basically three actions required to obtain an FRN:

1. You must Register a UserName and password at the FCC website. The following link will take you to the location to accomplish this:      fcc.gov/cores.  The UserName is generally your email address.  The FCC will send you an email almost immediately which will contain a verification number.  You must enter that number to complete your initial registration.

2. You must log into the same FCC website (fcc.gov/cores) using the same UserName and Password you just set up. You may be sent a second verification number to enter.

3. Once logged in, you must supply some basic information including your mailing address. When you click on the Submit button, you will immediately be given your FRN.  Write it down and print the page, so you’ll have two copies of it – it’s that important!  Also write down the UserName and password you registered in the first step.

Use the following link to obtain a print version of the FRN process:  Printable Detailed Instructions for Obtaining an FRN

Registration for a Specific Exam Session

After you have your FRN (it’s good for life) you are ready to register for a specific exam session.  The exams are held at 6:30pm on the second Thursday of each month.  They are held at:

Church of the Nazarene
Fellowship Room
6781 Bayshore Road
North Fort Myers

Pre-registration for an exam session (not the same as the FCC registration) is required and “walk-ins” will not be permitted to sit for an exam.  Click on the link below to bring up the exam session registration form:

Exam Session Registration

You should submit this form no later than noon the day before the exam is scheduled.  After submitting the form, you should receive a formal acknowledgment via email within twenty-four hours (usually much quicker).

The FMARC VE Team makes every effort to accommodate license applicants with specific needs or physical disabilities.  If you believe your exam session will require any such special provision, please check the Special Accommodation box on the registration form.  You will receive a follow-up email requesting additional information.  As your accommodation may take some time to arrange, please register early.

If you experience any problems with the registration process, please call Al at (631) 645-5165 or send an email to fcc_exams@fmarc.net

BONUS: Newly licensed hams who pass their first license exam at one of the FMARC exam sessions will have their current year dues for FMARC membership waived.

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